Turning the Corner

September 1, 2011 § 2 Comments

So a coupla weeks ago my mother told me of two women at church who were expecting their first child.

My response to her?

Oh thats great.

What was I thinking?

Oh that sucks for them. Their lives are over as they know it and they have no clue.

Sad right?

Well…the other day my mom tells me of someone who just gave birth.

My response?

Aww thats awesome.

What was I thinking?

Aww thats awesome.

Praise the Lord Jesus….

I’m starting on the road back to being me!

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§ 2 Responses to Turning the Corner

  • Leighann says:

    I remember thinking this when people would tell me they were thinking.
    Asking myself why no one told me it would be like this.
    It does get better.
    although your experience may not be like mine, you struggle will end.

  • Courtney C says:

    That’s great to hear that you’re seeing improvement so quickly. After almost a year and a half I still kind of freak out internally when I hear that people are pregnant, had a baby, or if someone even looks like they might want to talk about newborns with me. I have a feeling it will take another year or so for that to taper off. I’m not sure I’ll every really want to talk babies with anyone though; it’s just never been my cup o’ tea 🙂

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